Kayas Cultural College is a First Nations college located in Northern Alberta, Canada. They prepare adult students living within the three communities of Little Red River Cree Nation with the necessary academic skills to pursue higher education or enter today’s evolving workforce.
By partnering with AVI-SPL (formerly Sharp’s Audio Visual), Kayas Cultural College was equipped with three 84-inch Microsoft Surface Hubs, to achieve dynamic distance learning across hundreds of kilometers in the northern reaches of Canada.
The 84-inch Microsoft Surface Hub is a group collaboration device that integrates videoconferencing, presentation, digital whiteboard capabilities, and runs Windows 10 UWP applications. Having one Surface Hub in each of the school’s classrooms allows Kayas instructors to present information and interact directly on the screen with students at all three locations simultaneously.
Little Red River Cree Nation has started utilizing the high-tech learning environment at Kayas with community members collabourating and holding meetings using the Surface Hubs. In fact, the local government is planning to purchase three new Surface Hubs for Chief and Council management.
To learn more about Kayas’ transformation thanks to Microsoft technology view the case study produced by Microsoft here or download the PDF.